Gentics ANDP Changelog Summary

Gentics ANDP 2.2.8

Enhancement Link to this entry

The filter of the translation custom tag editor in CMS is now also able to filter the default and custom values.

Bugfix ANDP-315 Link to this entry

Fixed wrong responsive window size of the translation custom tag editor in CMS

Bugfix Link to this entry

Plugin: Fix a bug with email templates when a message with an uppercase language was transmitted

Bugfix SUP-17329 Link to this entry

Tasks: Added a missing Authorization Check when assigning a task to the current user

Bugfix SUP-17461 Link to this entry

Notifications: Fix not found notfications for users with an uppercase userId

Bugfix SUP-17316 Link to this entry

Forms: Fixed problem which raised an Error in BackOffice when anonymous user use a file-upload.

Gentics ANDP 2.2.7

Bugfix SUP-17283 Link to this entry

Forms: Resolve the issue with validation on the subform page and enhance the functionality to ensure scrolling to the first error element.

Bugfix SUP-17286 Link to this entry

Forms: Default style for multivalue dropdown selects now fixed. Spacing and formating of selected values fixed.

Gentics ANDP 2.2.6

Bugfix Link to this entry

Tasks: Fix reload tasks page to bypass browser cache after assignment of task.

Bugfix Link to this entry

Forms: Hide “Previous page” button on summary page for payment forms.

Bugfix Link to this entry

Forms: Update “leave form without saving” overlay message for dialog forms to clarifly that changes are not saved without clicking the save button.

Bugfix Link to this entry

Forms: Date-Picker now immediately closes when a date is selected

Bugfix Link to this entry

Forms: Autocomplete Options styling has been improved and aligned to other components

Bugfix Link to this entry

Forms: Add disabled attribute to the HTML elements input (number), textarea and file when the field property is set to not editable.

Bugfix Link to this entry

Forms: Fixed Precondition Overlay not displayed early enough

Bugfix Link to this entry

Forms: Fix Print Button Text sometimes missing

Bugfix Link to this entry

Forms: Fix Fileupload field not always clickable (when clicking onto the label directly)

Gentics ANDP 2.2.5

Bugfix Link to this entry

Forms: Fix Autocomplete Input Field styling when it is disabled/read only

Bugfix Link to this entry

Forms: Fix language list not correctly loaded from language feature

Gentics ANDP 2.2.4

Bugfix SUP-16959 Link to this entry

Forms: It validates textfields now, when the input element looses focus (on blur)

Bugfix Link to this entry

Geschftsfallliste: Use `businessPartnerReferenceID` instead of `dialogPortalUserReferenceID` because it was changed in DialogPortal interfaces.

Bugfix SUP-17064 Link to this entry

Forms: Removed the deleting buttons on non-editable fields

Bugfix Link to this entry

Forms: Fix Excel Download sometimes not working in all browser when user is logged in

Gentics ANDP 2.2.3

Enhancement ANDP-304 Link to this entry

Fix the function of duplicating an item inside the aggregate list. Adjustment of the interface regarding editing and duplicating a line within an aggregate list due to changes on the ActaNova side. So theses two endpoints have to be updated on ActaNova side too.

Bugfix ANDP-292 Link to this entry

Fixed invalid Feedback for boolean elements in forms. When the validation of a boolean elements fails, only one validation message appears.

Bugfix ANDP-301 Link to this entry

Fixed label-text overflow bug for small input fields. Now if a label-text does not fit into the input field, then the text uses ellipsis to cut off the overflow.

Bugfix SUP-16968 Link to this entry

Payment: TransactionVoid Cleanup-Endpoint now checks for fulfill and completed status and informs the caller that the transaction is in an unexpected state

Bugfix SUP-16959 Link to this entry

Forms: Fix textfields not validated when leaving the input field

Gentics ANDP 2.2.2

Enhancement Link to this entry

The ANDP Plugin now only subscribe and use the configured andp mesh project. The default mesh project is named “andp”. If you want to store your data in a different mesh project use the andp config `meshProject` or the ENV variable `ANDP_MESH_PROJECT` to override it.

Enhancement ANDP-305 Link to this entry

Added a new Feature Debug Mode: This allows to display additional error message details while using Forms. This simplifies debugging in error cases. The Feature can be activated by setting the Environment Variable ANDP_DEBUG_ENABLED to true for mesh or activate it in your features.yml. Warning: This feature should never be activated on productive systems because it can expose sensitive data.

Bugfix ANDP-288 Link to this entry

Fixed feature_form_elements_with_editing_overlay. When feature is disabled, formgrid will no longer show the option for enabling overlay on leave. If feature is enabled, you can enable the “Overlay” Option only for Input elements in formgrid and the respectiv element will show show an overlay on leave.

Bugfix ANDP-280 Link to this entry

When clicking on the url of the notification inside the email, the user is redirected to the main notification page, if the specific notification cannot be found anymore.

Bugfix SUP-16875 Link to this entry

Improve error handling and make parsing more failsave in navigation helpers

Bugfix SUP-16930 Link to this entry

Fixed Forms tooltip duplicate render of textbox bug. Now rendering only one Textbox per tooltip-icon

Bugfix ANDP-302 Link to this entry

Formstaging: Fix issue with importing Forms exported from a andp-2.1 System into a andp-2.2 system

Bugfix ANDP-292 Link to this entry

Forms: Fix duplicate displayed error messages for Boolean Elements

Gentics ANDP 2.2.1

Enhancement Link to this entry

New feature added to the customtool “ANDP Admin” -> Button for resetting wizard.

Enhancement Link to this entry

The default CMS implementation now uses the ENV variables for Node+CR configuration (introduced with CMP 8.1). This allows you to configure CR and node settings dynamically with ENV variables for different stages. The following ENV variables can and should be used in the CMS: (see example config in docker-compose.override.yml.local.example )


Bugfix ANDP-281 Link to this entry

Fix styling for displaying print button in messages.

Bugfix ANDP-290 Link to this entry

Fixed redirect bug on wizard on first log in.

Bugfix ANDP-291 Link to this entry

Fixed bug in the custom tool “ANDP Admin”(termsOfUseReset) where the terms of use reset would throw an unexpected error.

Bugfix Link to this entry

Fix missing Success Message in Wordpress-Plugin

Bugfix ANDP-283 Link to this entry

When adding a new Aggregation Element with enabled Sub-Forms, the new Entry is now added at the correct position

Bugfix ANDP-298 Link to this entry

Fixed error when selecting portal roles for cms template where specific roles (feature_load_user_roles_from_acta_nova) couldnt be loaded correctly.

Bugfix Link to this entry

Keycloak Plugin: Fixes that ENV variables for the Keycloak plugin config was not loaded correctly

Gentics ANDP 2.2.0

Manual Change Link to this entry

All dependencies have been updated to CMP 8.1, please ensure that you use 8.1 too

See CMP-Version-Overview

Manual Change Link to this entry

Seperation of Forms-CSS and Website-CSS: We split up the current CSS. Patternlab now only contains styling for the website itself. All forms related CSS has been moved away to the forms-app itself. Please ensure that form specific styling is removed in your patternlab too.

See ANDP-CSS-Mocking-Tool on how to extend custom form styling now

Manual Change Link to this entry

We completely refactored markup and styling of forms to make it more clearly structured and better to extend

See ANDP-CSS-Mocking-Tool on how to extend custom form styling now

Manual Change Link to this entry

CMS: Category Icon Implementation has changed. Service-Catalog Icons can now be selected directly in the CMS as a CMS image. The new implementation is not compatible with the old selected icons/categories. When updating all previously icons need to be uploaded to the CMS and icons need to be selected for Service-Catalog folders. This needs to be done manually, otherwise no icons are available

CMS: Category Icon Implementation has changed. Service-Catalog Icons can now be selected directly in the CMS as a CMS image. The new implementation is not compatible with the old selected icons/categories. When updating all previously icons need to be uploaded to the CMS and icons need to be selected for Service-Catalog folders. This needs to be done manually, otherwise no icons are available

Manual Change Link to this entry

We changed a (mostly internal) used routes in portal to avoid interference with projects, all routes are now prefixed with /andp/. Every default implementation and JS has been changed to use the new routes.

Changed endpoints:

  • /favorites/:id — > /api/andp/favorites/:id
  • /favorites/rearrange/ — > /api/andp/favorites/rearrange/
  • /documents/:serviceName/:caseID — > /api/andp/documents/:serviceName/:caseID
  • /api/wizardDone — > /api/andp/wizardDone
  • /api/acceptTermsOfUse — > /api/andp/acceptTermsOfUse
  • /notifications/:id/read” — > /api/andp/notifications/:id/read
  • /translate/:lang — > /api/andp/translate/:lang
  • /translate — > /api/andp/translate

New endpoints:

  • /api/andp/form/:formid
  • /api/andp/form/:formid/:businessObjectId

Removed legacy endpoint:

  • /read/messages/:id

Manual Change Link to this entry

The “Servicebeschreibung” Template has changed. For the right column there is now a single editable to allow more flexible content and different elements/implementations to be used. The fixed elements (Preconditions/Fees/Documents/Links) have been removed. Previous right column content need to be migrated manually if the template change is applied.

The “Servicebeschreibung” Template has changed. For the right column there is now a single editable to allow more flexible content and different elements/implementations to be used. The fixed elements (Preconditions/Fees/Documents/Links) have been removed. Previous right column content need to be migrated manually if the template change is applied.

Manual Change Link to this entry

The Cleanup-Endpoints have been changed to an asynchronous variant which is more reliable for long running tasks. The endpoints for starting tasks have not been changed, but now immediately finish. You need to fetch the result (and progress) of tasks with the status endpoint

See Clean-Up-Handler Dokumentation

Manual Change Link to this entry

We have reworked Docker-Image Building (Portal / Mesh). Previously dependencies needed to be fetched and builded (npm, mvn) manually before the final image was built. We have changed that so everything is now completely builded in the Dockerfile of mesh/portal. This simplyfies and makes building more reproduceable.

If you already use a pipeline you need to adapt (simplyfy) it – according to the ci/Jenkinsfile. While building the Docker Images it‘s now necessary to pass two Building Arguments (`MVN_USERNAME` and `MVN_PASSWORD`) to be able to download all required dependencies.

Enhancement Link to this entry

Languages are now fully configurable: Default de-AT is used, but you can specify the Languages in your features.yml or with LANGUAGES_LANGUAGES Environment Variable. Languages (with locale) have an effect on e.g. Forms and need to be aligned with the activated Languages is ActaNova

Enhancement ANDP-244 Link to this entry

Mock-Formular: A new feature for local development has been introduced. It allows easier developement and styling of forms. See: Mock-Formular

Enhancement ANDP-48 Link to this entry

Plugin: Requests sent to ActaNova are now logged on Log Level INFO (default) to allow easier debugging. Only Request URL and Response status are logged. To get Request/Response Body and Headers too, change LogLevel of to TRACE

Enhancement ANDP-103 Link to this entry

Introduce new Sachbearbeiter-Portal to allow users without Acta-Nova access to easier use Tasks See Sachbearbeiter Portal for detail info

Enhancement Link to this entry

Forms: Use new more reliable datepicker implementation. One important change: Datepicker texts are no longer translated in the translation page (not necessary anymore) – instead it uses browser translated texts with the current culture (language+country)

Enhancement Link to this entry

Plugin: It‘s now configurable which JWT field is used as userId in User-Context Header (andpConfig: andpJwtUserIdField). As default the `preferred_username` is used as before

Bugfix Link to this entry

Tasks: Improve task assign button to avoid confusion if clicked or not and assigned date not formatted in current local

Bugfix Link to this entry

Forms: Fix Navigation not clickable after submit

Bugfix Link to this entry

Portal: Disable (user-specific) caching for logged in users to avoid cache overuse and dynamic page infos are not updated

Bugfix ANDP-253 Link to this entry

CMS: The velocity-macro file for the default CMS Implementation has been removed and is now integrated in the Tagtypes itself. This allows the CMS devtool packages to be easier to use in existing CMS instances where a velocity macro file already exist

Bugfix ANDP-104 Link to this entry

When using the LoadUserRolesFromActaNova Feature a request done on login to fetch user roles from ActaNova now has a default timeout of 10 seconds too avoid user stuck while login. The timeout can be configured by setting the actaNovaUserMetadataEndpointTimeout (seconds) option in the keycloak plugin config

Bugfix ANDP-267 Link to this entry

The detail-page link in a form is now visible only if the servicekatalog.detailpage feature is active and a page of template “Servicebeschreibung” is available in the current cms folder (link points to that page). The Cancel Button redirects the user to the page specified as cancel-link or if not available to the last visited page (history.back)