Changes with Gentics ANDP 2.2.2 -


Enhancement Link to this entry

The ANDP Plugin now only subscribe and use the configured andp mesh project. The default mesh project is named “andp”. If you want to store your data in a different mesh project use the andp config `meshProject` or the ENV variable `ANDP_MESH_PROJECT` to override it.

Enhancement ANDP-305 Link to this entry

Added a new Feature Debug Mode: This allows to display additional error message details while using Forms. This simplifies debugging in error cases. The Feature can be activated by setting the Environment Variable ANDP_DEBUG_ENABLED to true for mesh or activate it in your features.yml. Warning: This feature should never be activated on productive systems because it can expose sensitive data.

Bugfix ANDP-288 Link to this entry

Fixed feature_form_elements_with_editing_overlay. When feature is disabled, formgrid will no longer show the option for enabling overlay on leave. If feature is enabled, you can enable the “Overlay” Option only for Input elements in formgrid and the respectiv element will show show an overlay on leave.

Bugfix ANDP-280 Link to this entry

When clicking on the url of the notification inside the email, the user is redirected to the main notification page, if the specific notification cannot be found anymore.

Bugfix SUP-16875 Link to this entry

Improve error handling and make parsing more failsave in navigation helpers

Bugfix SUP-16930 Link to this entry

Fixed Forms tooltip duplicate render of textbox bug. Now rendering only one Textbox per tooltip-icon

Bugfix ANDP-302 Link to this entry

Formstaging: Fix issue with importing Forms exported from a andp-2.1 System into a andp-2.2 system

Bugfix ANDP-292 Link to this entry

Forms: Fix duplicate displayed error messages for Boolean Elements