Changes with Gentics ANDP 2.2.1 -
New feature added to the customtool “ANDP Admin” -> Button for resetting wizard.
The default CMS implementation now uses the ENV variables for Node+CR configuration (introduced with CMP 8.1). This allows you to configure CR and node settings dynamically with ENV variables for different stages. The following ENV variables can and should be used in the CMS: (see example config in docker-compose.override.yml.local.example
Fix styling for displaying print button in messages.
Fixed redirect bug on wizard on first log in.
Fixed bug in the custom tool “ANDP Admin”(termsOfUseReset) where the terms of use reset would throw an unexpected error.
Fix missing Success Message in Wordpress-Plugin
When adding a new Aggregation Element with enabled Sub-Forms, the new Entry is now added at the correct position
Fixed error when selecting portal roles for cms template where specific roles (feature_load_user_roles_from_acta_nova) couldnt be loaded correctly.
Keycloak Plugin: Fixes that ENV variables for the Keycloak plugin config was not loaded correctly